The Secret Weapon of Salespeople Every Entrepreneur Should Steal

It’s easier to become a great salesperson than you might think

Aaron Dinin, PhD
4 min readDec 17, 2020


Image courtesy Andrea Piacquadio via Pexels

I was quizzing a pre-revenue entrepreneur about customer acquisition. He was practicing his fundraising pitch with me, and he’d spent the entire time talking about his product. I wanted to know how he was going to sell it. Finally, he’d had enough of my questions.

“I’m a product guy,” he huffed. “Can’t I just tell investors I’ll hire some MBA to do the selling for me? Isn’t that what I’m raising money for, anyway? So I can hire people, I mean.”

I shook my head. “No, you can’t,” I answered. “You’re the founder. If you can’t sell your product, nobody can.”

“But I suck at talking to people,” he moaned.

“That’s your problem,” I said.

“That I suck at talking to people?” he replied. “I already know that!”

“No,” I answered. “You just told me you suck at talking to customers. But you should never be talking to customers. You should always be talking with customers.”

I’ll admit the point I was making probably seems like a tiny grammatical nitpick. Unfortunately, I encounter the problem so often from entrepreneurs that I often find myself having to highlight it…



Aaron Dinin, PhD

I teach entrepreneurship at Duke. Software Engineer. PhD in English. I write about the mistakes entrepreneurs make since I’ve made plenty. More @