The One Thing Successful Startup Founders Never Discuss

Learn to talk about the right things or risk wasting your time

Aaron Dinin, PhD
5 min readNov 12, 2020


Image courtesy Sound On via Pexels

Nearly every day since I started teaching entrepreneurship at Duke, I’ve gotten some version of the following question:

“Can we meet to discuss my idea?”

I get it in-person. I get it via email. I get it via Twitter. It comes from founders, from students, from friends who know I do “entrepreneur-y” things, from entrepreneurs who randomly find me online, and dozens of other places. Every time I see the question, I shake my head and sigh.

Don’t misunderstand me. I love talking with entrepreneurs about their businesses. If I could clone myself a thousand times, I’d be thrilled to have all thousand of my clones meeting with entrepreneurs and doling out entrepreneurial advice all day. But I wouldn’t allow a single one of those clones to discuss someone’s “idea.”

That’s because, in the world of startups, the most important types of people you’ll talk with — advisors, investors, and customers — don’t need to hear about your idea. For them (and you!), discussing ideas is a waste of time.

Why advisors don’t need to hear about your idea



Aaron Dinin, PhD

I teach entrepreneurship at Duke. Software Engineer. PhD in English. I write about the mistakes entrepreneurs make since I’ve made plenty. More @